Friday, October 5, 2012

Educational reading

You didn't think I was serious did you? I must admit i have been studying my ass off for the last few weeks and I might of twisted of a little at the old VFW after my finance test yesterday. Therefore today we are just going to do a little light reading.... 

Ah...he is using the "every third world shit head country" combat tactical shooting position

"Honey, Are the Glocks done?"

Kill him, kill his family, burn his house down and then you and Frodo are going to have to throw that weapon into the depths of Mordor; its the only way to destroy it. 

Why did we ever get rid of Battleships?

There is nothing i can say to make this any funnier...

Is it weird that she turns me on?  Maybe.

Cant even see their faces yet everyone of you knew they were Asian.

Recap: VFW + $1.50 Beers = Small Ethiopian child banging a drum inside my head.

Shot Over

Gracias: Face and Zeppi for providing some of the ammo used today.

More Loving From the Dutch Oven: "Some days i honestly believe that if i could beat my inner child i would, no grown man should love Transformers as much as i do." ......Why does it just have to be your inner child DR? Maybe practice your foot to testicle combat techniques on a playground or elementary school just don't drive your brown cargo van.....


  1. I don't know half of what you're talking about on here but I read it anyway because it amuses me...while also scaring me as I'm realizing more and more what a political liability you will be during my future campaign(s).

    Shot Under

    1. My friend; after the last RED Letter weekend you had i do believe i am the least of your worries. I am offering my skills at skeleton removal to you..for a small cabinet position of course.
