Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gay Army....No really thats the name of the show!

9 of the Gayest men in Scandanavia.....

Shit its not just scandanavia, more likely the world...those guys are queerer then a three dollar bill giving a blow job on the hood of a pink miata!

How great would it be if you were the ex Army Drill instructor and was getting paid to yell at these guys! I would of like to know how the telephone interview went though "you want me to do what? You want me to teach who?and i can yell at them and make them do anything i want? and you idiots are going to pay me for it."

When i got this link i thought it was a new all gay unit in the army...something along the lines of the San Franciso division of the California National Guard. Thank God I was wrong and now this Army DI is getting personal payback for Barry allowing them into our own military...oh black hat how i envy you.

Shot Over

More Lovin' from the Dutch Oven: In the spirit of Gay army DR had to admit "I just watched Cinderella Man for the first time. I think i have a bro crush on Russell Crow now, he was just so classy"

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