WARNING: I was a sailor and still cuss like one so if you have problem with it go read hillary clintons blog about peace,love, and idiocy.
A RONIN (浪人) was a samurai with no lord or master during the feudal period (1185–1868) of Japan. A samurai became masterless from the death or fall of his master, or after the loss of his master's favor or privilege. Now that the wikipedia bullshit is over, i know you are wondering what in the fuck does that have to do with me?
Well if you are like myself you played war with your friends with badass life size imitation guns, watched GI Joe cartoons, and loved the movie red dawn. Since the Cubans have only invaded Florida I never got the chance to head to the Texas hill country and be a badass with a RPD; to be honest I really needed that in my life! So needless to say after 9/11 i was spinning my wheels, drinking and sleeping my way through college, wasting my parents money just itching to get into the fight. I did what any quasi respectable Texan would do; I dropped out and enlisted.
My formerly rich uncle Sam payed me to drive fast boats in the desert, shoot hundreds of thousands of rounds out of Crane weapons, party in south america while somewhat teaching counter insurgency, and put millions of tax paying dollars into my training. Do you know what that qualifies me for out here in the real world? NOT A FUCKING THING HAHAHA!
Potential Employer (P.E.) "So Mr. Dougherty it says here you were a J-T-A-C? and what would that be?"
ME "Well sir i am authorized to preform terminal attack control for both fixed and rotary wing assets"
PE "Uh huh and how is that going to help you as a unarmed security gaurd at Chuckie Cheese?
ME "...............I dont know but i do think all pedefiles should be waterboarded, then have their dick and balls cut off then burned at the stake and thats got to count for something...right? right? hello....sir?sir? FUCK!"
So seven years later here i am getting payed over forty two grand (gi bill and grant money is awesome) to go back to college for a year and a half and I AM COMPLETELY BORED SHITLESS SAN DIEGO!
I am going to let you guys in on a little secret....When you are unemployed you have a metric ton of time on your hands to peruse every firearm, tactical, humorous blog that is on the internet.I was watching the history channel for the thirty eighth day in a row and the story of the 47 ronin from Japanese history came on. The story in itself is fantastic but I found the similarities between my situation and that of the masterless samurais to be incredible. the ronin would walk the wilds of japan with only their weapons and knowledge, Those rōnin who desired steady, legal employment became mercenaries that guarded trade caravans, or bodyguards for wealthy merchants. Many other rōnin became criminals, operating as bandits and highwaymen, or joining organized crime in towns and cities. Ronin were known to operate, or serve as hired muscle for, gangs that ran gambling rings, brothels, protection rackets, and other similar activities. Now i cannot see myself working for the wrong side of the law but I do have the skill, knowledge, and experience from over six years in the Navy having done everything from anti piracy work riding on a destroyer to working the patrolling the rivers of Iraq. I choose to leave the navy after our deployments status went to shit because their was no work for my unit in Afghanistan (something about no Rivers? only 1100 klicks worth of the Hari river forming the border with Iran...no big deal Hilary Iran is cool.) so we were jobless and honestly who in the hell wants to hang out in a peace time military? who has two thumbs and not sticking around to be told what to do by some newbie O's with no wartime experience? This Guy!
But all this went through my head faster then a 7.62 through a Iraqis and i realized 47 ronin? Hell their had to be 47,000 GWOT Ronin! Men and women who fought in the sandbox, the 'stan, djibouti, central and southern america who are out in the civillian world completely bored looking for.....something. Somehow trying to fill that void in their life now that they dont have to worry about convoys, IED's, Snipers, and ambushes.
Their are a few good blogs out their...namely everydaynodaysoff.com, soldiersystems.com, and deathvalleymag.com. I read and enjoy them fairly regularly and recommend you do the same; i am not going to imitate those blogs though... this will be a mix of articles and videos written not just by myself but by operators from all over the united states about everything from TCCC to how bad you want to reach for your custom glock 19 when you see some duechebag picketing a veterans funeral....word to the wise don't use a 9 mm use a paintball gun; you kill one of those assholes and two more berkeley grads will take their place. Politics...yes yes i know but if you have read this far down my rant then i bet you will agree with my views. Thats all i have to say about that for know; and if you find yourself thinking am I a GWOT Ronin? Ask your self these questions... do I walk into a room and think about the best way to clear it? Find yourself saying "DIE MOTHERFUCKER DIE" for no reason? Still wear a unit/squadron/company t shirt even though its from 2008 and just a bit to small? Have a room/closet/field locker dedicated to gear just in case?Then congrats brother/sister you are a GWOT Ronin....now go take out the fucking trash, change the diaper, read the textbook, or any of that other boring shit we do now and quit fucking of.
shot out.
You have no idea how bad I needed to read this. You are fuck so right. Please keep blogging and good luck to you in your endeavors..Kapinski 71RQS USAF Ret.