This is the MGM Ironman. A three day, three gun ass kicking competition located in Indiana. To put it bluntly...This is where the show Top Shot goes to get ideas. You will get to shoot from a zip line, shoot while driving, shoot while running, shoot while falling....are you getting the picture you are going to be shooting ALOT.
You will get to do all of this for the low, low introductory price of $250.00; oh yeah plus airfare, plus hotel, ammo (and your going to need over a thousand rounds of long gun ammo alone), Guns....and i mean good guns, Tactical vest, eyes, ears, tommy tactical multi digi cam awesomeness (the camo so good it even works on the moon), gloves, gore-tex sweat wiking thermorest boots handmade by the nubile fingers of a 6 year old Thia child, and the most important part....the super soldier herpes resistant kevlar under armor underwear in matching moon camo.
............Who fucking care how much it costs....Indiana I am going to make you bite the pillow this June. Stay posted for tryout times with the GWOT Ronin team.
Shot over
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