Friday, August 31, 2012

College as a Vet

     Having strolled the hallowed halls of a college campus for the first time since 2004 i have noticed a few things that I thought the viewing public should know about....

1. College freshman look like high school freshman

2. College freshman are as stupid as high school freshman

3. The word "like" is now a verb, adverb, preposition, and noun,

4. Blaring fox news before class to "enlighten the children" is not appreciated.

5. Telling the annoying surfer guy behind you to "shut his fucking cock holster"; also not appreciated BUT highly effective.

6. Homicidal urges are natural when dealing with pre-adult children

7. I can call all my professors "Darlin", both man and woman.

8. I can introduce myself as Mr. Jack; it lets them know I'm informal but still the boss.

9. Sitting down in an air conditioned room listening to someone speak for 3-4 hours a day, all the while getting payed for it, is a great fucking job.

10. The real world is one of common sense and college isn't going to teach you that...only life will.

     Now i guess you could say that some of the above numbered items are not due to the school or students changing but more likely a change in myself. Not every thing has changed though; such as....

1. The linguistic relationship between Asian professors and the English language has still not improved.

2. I am still not LEGALLY authorized to carry a firearm on school grounds.

3. Advanced math; such as calculus; is still just as worthless to me now as it was eight years ago.


Shot out-

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rules of Gunfighting

     James Yeager just came out and said that he was the one who made up these rules but mostly I have seen them attributed to mr. anonymous. Regardless whoever made them up they do ring true.

1. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns.
2. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap – life is expensive.
3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss.
4. If your shooting stance is good, you’re probably not moving fast enough or using cover correctly.
5. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral and diagonal movement are preferred.)
6. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a long gun and a friend with a long gun.
7. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived.
8. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running.
9. Accuracy is relative: most combat shooting standards will be more dependent on “pucker factor” than the inherent accuracy of the gun. Use a gun that works EVERY TIME. “All skill is in vain when an Angel blows the powder from the flintlock of your musket.”
10. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty.
11. Always cheat, always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
12. Have a plan.
13. Have a back-up plan, because the first one won’t work.
14. Use cover or concealment as much as possible.
15. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours.
16. Don’t drop your guard.
17. Always tactical load and threat scan 360 degrees.
18. Watch their hands. Hands kill. (In God we trust. Everyone else, keep your hands where I can see them.)
19. Decide to be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH.
20. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get.
21. Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
22. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one.
23. Your number one option for personal security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.
24. Do not attend a gun fight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with anything smaller than “4″.
25. You can’t miss fast enough to win.

shot out-
gracias: Clint Wallace.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Juan Wayne on Liberals

     This is a recorded interview of the original macho man John Wayne taken in 1975. His thoughts are still quite relevant today; his discription of a liberal KIA (know it all) who wont even listen to your point of view is spot on. So this raises a question in the bleeding heart hating brain of mine....If for years i have been told that older people are wiser and smarter then me HOW IN THE FUCK DID WE IN UP IN THIS SITUTATION WITH THE EXACT IDIOT JUAN IS TALKING ABOUT IN THE WHITE HOUSE!

Shot out

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Custom Kydex Holsters...DIY Hell

     Seeing how every sailor, soldier, airman and marine vet is making a killing in the tactical market; myself and a nameless associate (a published Roninite himself) have decided to go into the custom kydex market. We have come up with this idea by the same way everyone else does.....stealing someone elses idea. While perusing craigslist for random Glock parts I came across a man with a slew of kydex holsters for sale between $60-75 bucks. I sent him an email to find out what he had available and low and behold he didn't have a damn one left but he could make me a custom one for $75....Interesting. Shortly after i saw a article in Recoil magazine about Do-It-Yourself kydex holsters and sheaths; this was enough to set my alcohol raddled brain in motion. I went to the info guru...I.E. youtube and began watching a shit ton of videos. To be honest; making this stuff just didn't seem that hard and even with my serious lack of mechanical skills (honestly i am probably the least mechanically inclined person in the continental United States)  I could do this.

      I had the drive but needed someone else to bounce the idea off of and  it had to be someone who also wastes as much time as I following the tactical industry; Ladies and Gentlemen just like highlander their can be only one.....Jozzeppi. The man definitely follows the industry as close if not closer then I. He has even attended the Gun Porn known as the Shot Show for no reason other then he was already in Vegas for the Pornstar convention (long story). I called him up, ran the idea by him, and low and behold he saw the promise in it just like i did. For less the ten dollars in material and about an hours worth of time we could sell custom holsters for 50-75 bucks. Many phone calls and over eight hundred dollars worth of tools and materials  later we have this:

Kydex material, rivets, chicago screws, river press, homemade foam press, griddle, screw gun, clips, clamps, sanding blocks,etc, etc. Now having watched enough you tube videos this should go like clockwork Right? NOT EXACTLY!

first try....followed the you tube video for temps and pressure exactly and this is what i got:

Great definition on my Khar BUT...

.....clearly youtube doesn't know everything because they told me 350 degrees was the PERFECT temperature to mold kydex. No one said anything about it bonding itself to the foam inside my press or the serious shrinkage, and I mean serious polar plunge type shrinkage not its slightly chilly outside shrinkage. To top it all of the kydex has warped beyond usability and the foam remnants are baked into the  material. So learning is occurring and now i know that 350 degrees is WAY TO FUCKING HOT YOUTUBE! Dont worry though its only about four dollars worth of material that doesn't grow on trees. So fuck it lets give it another try..It couldnt of been my fault so maybe the color was wrong? I forsee a perfect Infantry green Glock holster in my near future.

shot out

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mans best friend and worst enemy

     I would like to cordially thank my roommate/bed mate/road trip companion for thoroughly ruining this fine evening for me. First upon returning home from home depot I found multiple less then solid welcome home gifts on my staircase, shortly followed up with finding a two thirds gone mink shawl of my mothers that he decided would make a tasty treat. Those fun times haven't occurred to much recently but today must be my lucky day because a few hours later i realized that his stomach was significantly larger then normal. To make a long story short this asshole decided to get into his food and ate about five pounds of very expensive dog food  forcing me to shoot hydrogen peroxide down his throat and watch him throw it all up in my fucking bath tub. Guess who got to clean up the stairs and the bath tub huh? Well it isn't the hairy asshole in the picture that's for damn sure. By the way that assholes name is Ruger and hes a bad ass.

     Real men need real dogs, and real dogs fall into two categories; Working and Sporting Dogs. I can already here what you macho assholes who carry a chihuahua or a pekingese around are saying but i dont give a shit because everyone knows your wife/girlfriend picked out your dog. The bottom line is WHEN THE SHIT HITS THE FAN WILL YOUR DOG WATCH YOUR BACK?

     Ruger is a king shepherd and hes all mine. King shepherd are a extremely large breed German shepherd variant who are intelligent and good natured. This breed makes a fine sheepherder and working dog. They are also a naturally courageous guard and watchdog, showing courage, strength, and hardiness in their role of protector. I.E. they are just as at home licking a baby as they are sinking their teeth into your arm. Hes almost 5 months old now and is weighing in at 51 lbs. At the two year mark he should be over 150 lbs and amazingly lazy; otherwise known as perfect.

     I have quite a bit of experience with hard ass dogs starting with my old mans Akita; Bruce Lee. Yes it is awesomely racist to have a badass Japanese dog named bruce lee but in all honesty what else would you call it. My main memory of Bruce lee was him sitting on his haunches right next to my dads chair guarding him like he was the emperor of Japan, or as i like to think of him the Pharaoh of Miller liteville. My family also had a Rottweiler, German short-hair pointers, golden retrievers and Labs, not to mention more mutts then i can count. Most of my sisters have followed suit in their own dog choices with Boss and Flex. Boss is a crotchety 80 year old man in a Boxers body while flex is a 75 pound English bulldog who thinks hes a 7 pound lap dog. Though they are very different in personality both dogs love their owners and would protect them till the end. I know my sisters and they would do the exact same for their dogs.

Their was no way i could forget to include the mamas boy named Panzer. Probably the most scary dog in the family right now (and the only one whose bit me....twice!). An 80 lbs Doberman Pincer with a love of hedgehog squeak toys and anything owned by our old roommate dan. I purchased panzer for my girlfriend right before deployment in 2009; i figured i could either hire someone to watch over her while i was gone or i could just buy her a ass kicker of a dog. Hindsight being what it is....Just kidding Panzer has proven to be everything ashley wanted him to be and therefore that's all i could ask for in her dog. He and I on the other hand we will just have to wait and see how things go when he gets down here to the land of the free.

shot out

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Terminators back...and hes killing Mexicans!

Don't fuck with the Governor of California when hes highballing a combination of centrum silver and tapioca pudding  hes ready to take on the world as long as it doesn't interfere with his daily nap. In this new movie Arnold is a small town sheriff with a shady past and he is taking on one of the seven Mexican cartels with none other then the not such a bad ass Johnny Knoxville backing him up (shoulda picked devito). Hopefully arnold still has it in him to combine bad acting and one hell of a punch into another entertaining guns blazing ass kicker of a bad he himself wont know since theirs no way a man at his age can stay awake through a whole movie!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

For the couch operators

I like video games!

As a thirty year old part of me says that i shouldn't like them but I do. Now don't get me wrong i am not pulling on my richard every time a new multi pack level up new whatever hits the market. Nor do i sit playing online games every night but i do like the Call of duty/Medal of honor style first person shooters because I LIKE GUNS and these games have some sweet customizable firepower.

This trailer is for the new medal of honor game and it looks pretty cool plus a portion of the proceeds go to support the Special Operations Warrior foundation. So if you want to get a jump start on your UAV career or you just want to vent some frustration by killing some mothafuckers (all the while supporting a great cause) go pick up this new game in october.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What I fight For

What do I fight for?

     This is something everyone that has worn a unifiorm in defense of there country has asked themselves and has been asked of them...why did i join and what am I fighting for. With every person there is a different answer but I have found there tend to be two main groups of thought on this and there job choices in the military tend to reflect those reasons. Some peoples reasons for fighting are very honorable such as family tradition or personal duty but most have joined for other reasons that are not  along the same lines but still no less honorable. These citizens served there country for the benefits such as free college education, getting away from home, steady pay checks, and the old three hots and a cot.

Now the vast majority of the people that join are more than happy to be a plumber, welder or some other supporting role in the military. These people are looking to be kept safe and sound and learn a trade at the same time. Rarely do they pick jobs that would take them outside the wire, Now don't get me wrong this group is very important because they directly support the other group of people.THE OTHER GROUP...  This Group of people go by nicknames such as snake eaters, frogmen, or HOG's. They have interesting tattoos like jolly green giant feet on their ass and in pictures they tend to have a severe medical case of pixilation.

These men are the True Warriors, and though they do join for family and country, they also have darker and non PC motivations. This is a very small group who rarely talk about what they do. They go so far as to make up mythical jobs such as Lawn chair salesman or tell people they have less glamorous jobs in the military. The only people this group will generally talk to is each other because most people wont understand them or there mentality. This group tends to join for much more personal reasons such as wanting to test there skills as a man and wanting to see how good they really are, as well as stand victorious over there slain foes whoever that may be at the time. Now you have to understand as un PC as this is this is the group that truly gets stuff done at the end of the day they love the hunting that they specialize in and at the end of the day when they are home in there beds find that something is missing and want nothing more than to be on the hunt again. This is also the group that gets put through the most pain and suffering. The Sacrafices they have made to be on the hunt are like nothing regular people will ever understand. They put on hold there lives and there family. The sacrifices of the family are things that no person should ever have to go through they miss births, birthdays , weddings, deaths, and everything normal people take for granite but they still do there jobs because that is what they are they live for the hunt and nothing else.

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wolverines and Thor...not a marvel movie.

     New remake of the original 1984 classic Red Dawn starring Thor badass Chris Hemsworth. Plot and premise is similar to the original movie except now a unknown EMP style weapon is used by the North Koreans to bring down the early warning system of the United States military and the NK Army parachutes in and takes control of a portion of CONUS. You can figure out were it goes from there....should be entertaining and if its anything like the original it will prompt most boys to grow mustaches and prepare their forts, hideouts, and man caves for the coming invasion....... Wolverines!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sonny Puzikas....Dallas Firefighter

"We respect everybody - we can kill them with respect as well."
      Sonny Puzikas

For a firefighter this motherfucker sure can shoot...

If you don't know sonny heres a few interesting facts about my favorite russian (fps russia is just a dueche from georgia and i don't mean the russian satellite):

-lithuanian spetsnaz veteran
-Starred in the deadliest warrior "spetsnaz vs. green beret" episode
-Consultant for Call of Duty: Black Ops
-Systema badass
-Texan (nuff said)

Sonny's moves might seem a little strange and outside the box but I am not going to pass judgement on him because their might people a handful of people in the tactical community that have his experience with the AK. That expertise shines through in his new Fighting with the AK DVD set; he hits all the important aspects of the AK including reloads, marksmanship, transitions, shooting and moving, and much more. Hopefully i will get the chance to attend one of this cold warrior's shooting seminar and get the full russian experience; Vodka and all.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


     If you have never seen Action Figure Therapy on you tube you are missing out on some high quality NSFW videos. Watch them and then spread them around to you friends; you will find yourself with a whole new vocabulary of witty one liners that only a few of you will understand. 

Such as but not limited to:

"He's gay'er then a three dollar bill giving a blow job on the hood of a pink miata!"

"Sometimes I wake up with a hard rod and a soft mind which isn't good for a soldier "

"Wolverines! Hell Yeah!"

Jungle Recon is the biggest gun tooting, woman slayin', mustache haven, junk flashin' badass in the action figure world and he thinks every one should know it. Every Ronin has felt just like jungle recon  does in this video.....Machine guns on Peyote? Interesting. Hurry find me a Indian (red man not red dot) and we will explore the long history of the native american culture and all its wondrous tepees, bows and arrows, buffalo scrotum's...and machine guns. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

What is a GWOT Ronin?

WARNING: I was a sailor and still cuss like one so if you have problem with it go read hillary clintons blog about peace,love, and idiocy.

A RONIN (浪人) was a samurai with no lord or master during the feudal period (1185–1868) of Japan. A samurai became masterless from the death or fall of his master, or after the loss of his master's favor or privilege. Now that the wikipedia bullshit is over, i know you are wondering what in the fuck does that have to do with me? 

Well if you are like myself you played war with your friends with badass life size imitation guns, watched GI Joe cartoons, and loved the movie red dawn. Since the Cubans have only invaded Florida I never got the chance to head to the Texas hill country and be a badass with a RPD; to be honest I really needed that in my life! So needless to say after 9/11 i was spinning my wheels, drinking and sleeping my way through college, wasting my parents money just itching to get into the fight. I did what any quasi respectable Texan would do; I dropped out and enlisted. 

My formerly rich uncle Sam payed me to drive fast boats in the desert, shoot hundreds of thousands of rounds out of Crane weapons, party in south america while somewhat teaching counter insurgency, and put millions of tax paying dollars into my training. Do you know what that qualifies me for out here in the real world? NOT A FUCKING THING HAHAHA! 


Potential Employer (P.E.)  "So Mr. Dougherty it says here you were a J-T-A-C? and what would that be?"
ME "Well sir i am authorized to preform terminal attack control for both fixed and rotary wing assets"

PE "Uh huh and how is that going to help you as a unarmed security gaurd at Chuckie Cheese?
ME "...............I dont know but i do think all pedefiles should be waterboarded, then have their dick and balls cut off then burned at the stake and thats got to count for something...right? right? hello....sir?sir? FUCK!"

So seven years later here i am getting payed over forty two grand (gi bill and grant money is awesome) to go back to college for a year and a half and I AM COMPLETELY BORED SHITLESS SAN DIEGO!

 I am going to let you guys in on a little secret....When you are unemployed you have a metric ton of time on your hands to peruse every firearm, tactical, humorous blog that is on the internet.I was watching the history channel for the thirty eighth day in a row and the story of the 47 ronin from Japanese history came on. The story in itself is fantastic but I found the similarities between my situation and that of the masterless samurais to be incredible. the ronin would walk the wilds of japan with only their weapons and knowledge, Those rōnin who desired steady, legal employment became mercenaries that guarded trade caravans, or bodyguards for wealthy merchants. Many other rōnin became criminals, operating as bandits and highwaymen, or joining organized crime in towns and cities. Ronin were known to operate, or serve as hired muscle for, gangs that ran gambling rings, brothels, protection rackets, and other similar activities. Now i cannot see myself working for the wrong side of the law but I do have the skill, knowledge, and experience from over six years in the Navy having done everything from anti piracy work riding on a destroyer to working the patrolling the rivers of Iraq. I choose to leave the navy after our deployments status went to shit because their was no work for my unit in Afghanistan (something about no Rivers? only 1100 klicks worth of  the Hari river forming the border with big deal Hilary Iran is cool.) so we were jobless and honestly who in the hell wants to hang out in a peace time military? who has two thumbs and not sticking around to be told what to do by some newbie O's with no wartime experience? This Guy!

But all this went through my head faster then a 7.62 through a Iraqis and i realized 47 ronin? Hell their had to be 47,000 GWOT Ronin! Men and women who fought in the sandbox, the 'stan, djibouti, central and southern america who are out in the civillian world completely bored looking for.....something. Somehow trying to fill that void in their life now that they dont have to worry about convoys, IED's, Snipers, and ambushes. 

Their are a few good blogs out their...namely,, and I read and enjoy them fairly regularly and recommend you do the same; i am not going to imitate those blogs though... this will be a mix of articles and videos written not just by myself but by operators from all over the united states about everything from TCCC to how bad you want to reach for your custom glock 19 when you see some duechebag picketing a veterans funeral....word to the wise don't use a 9 mm use a paintball gun; you kill one of those assholes and two more berkeley grads will take their place. Politics...yes yes i know but if  you have read this far down my rant then i bet you will agree with my views. Thats all i have to say about that for know; and if you find yourself thinking am I a GWOT Ronin? Ask your self these questions... do I walk into a  room and think about the best way to clear it? Find yourself saying "DIE MOTHERFUCKER DIE" for no reason? Still wear a unit/squadron/company t shirt even though its from 2008 and just a bit to small? Have a room/closet/field locker dedicated to gear just in case?Then congrats brother/sister you are a GWOT go take out the fucking trash, change the diaper, read the textbook, or any of that other boring shit we do now and quit fucking of.

shot out.