Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What I fight For

What do I fight for?

     This is something everyone that has worn a unifiorm in defense of there country has asked themselves and has been asked of them...why did i join and what am I fighting for. With every person there is a different answer but I have found there tend to be two main groups of thought on this and there job choices in the military tend to reflect those reasons. Some peoples reasons for fighting are very honorable such as family tradition or personal duty but most have joined for other reasons that are not  along the same lines but still no less honorable. These citizens served there country for the benefits such as free college education, getting away from home, steady pay checks, and the old three hots and a cot.

Now the vast majority of the people that join are more than happy to be a plumber, welder or some other supporting role in the military. These people are looking to be kept safe and sound and learn a trade at the same time. Rarely do they pick jobs that would take them outside the wire, Now don't get me wrong this group is very important because they directly support the other group of people.THE OTHER GROUP...  This Group of people go by nicknames such as snake eaters, frogmen, or HOG's. They have interesting tattoos like jolly green giant feet on their ass and in pictures they tend to have a severe medical case of pixilation.

These men are the True Warriors, and though they do join for family and country, they also have darker and non PC motivations. This is a very small group who rarely talk about what they do. They go so far as to make up mythical jobs such as Lawn chair salesman or tell people they have less glamorous jobs in the military. The only people this group will generally talk to is each other because most people wont understand them or there mentality. This group tends to join for much more personal reasons such as wanting to test there skills as a man and wanting to see how good they really are, as well as stand victorious over there slain foes whoever that may be at the time. Now you have to understand as un PC as this is this is the group that truly gets stuff done at the end of the day they love the hunting that they specialize in and at the end of the day when they are home in there beds find that something is missing and want nothing more than to be on the hunt again. This is also the group that gets put through the most pain and suffering. The Sacrafices they have made to be on the hunt are like nothing regular people will ever understand. They put on hold there lives and there family. The sacrifices of the family are things that no person should ever have to go through they miss births, birthdays , weddings, deaths, and everything normal people take for granite but they still do there jobs because that is what they are they live for the hunt and nothing else.

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”


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