Sunday, August 5, 2012


     If you have never seen Action Figure Therapy on you tube you are missing out on some high quality NSFW videos. Watch them and then spread them around to you friends; you will find yourself with a whole new vocabulary of witty one liners that only a few of you will understand. 

Such as but not limited to:

"He's gay'er then a three dollar bill giving a blow job on the hood of a pink miata!"

"Sometimes I wake up with a hard rod and a soft mind which isn't good for a soldier "

"Wolverines! Hell Yeah!"

Jungle Recon is the biggest gun tooting, woman slayin', mustache haven, junk flashin' badass in the action figure world and he thinks every one should know it. Every Ronin has felt just like jungle recon  does in this video.....Machine guns on Peyote? Interesting. Hurry find me a Indian (red man not red dot) and we will explore the long history of the native american culture and all its wondrous tepees, bows and arrows, buffalo scrotum's...and machine guns. 

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