Friday, September 28, 2012

Rules of Machine Gun Fighting!

Rule 1. Bring a Belt Fed!

ALICE pack frame....$45.00, Hernia operation.....$5,000.00,  Ammo Chute...."Borrowed" from Mr. Blackhawk, Never having to reload while playing whack a tango.....Priceless, for everything else there's a JTAC.

Rule 2. Bring Two belt feds!

"Two PKM'S one Cup"

Rule 3. Bring all your friends with Belt Feds!

"Seriously how did Juan, my yard man, get in this photo?"


Shot Over

More lovin from the Dutch Oven: "Sometimes i will mess with fast food employees by acting like my order is wrong. If the military has taught me one thing it is how to make simple people feel even simpler by asking questions that there are no right answers for, and watch them scramble to right the supposed wrongs. Some may call me petty, but i disagree." Thank you Mr. Rudder and i have to agree because had they of listened to their high school career counselors i sincerely doubt they would be taking my order at Jack in the Box, McDonalds,  Burger King, etc....Did i say i wanted a fucking apple pie? Who mentioned Supersize? Not me! Who knows what i want to eat; me or your 62 IQ point having ass?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Who wants to look like Master Chief?

I mean Halo Master Chief not USN....Check out the newish Head Gear from Revision, The original has been out on the market for a while but after testing it was considered to heavy and way to hot for everyday use. The newest version dropped a few ounces and has been streamlined to work better with existing NOD's.

Dont care; good theory for turret Gunners still not a great design. No ventilation, its still huge, and as if having a 5 inch phallic device hanging from the front of your helmet wasnt enough weight lets just add a little more. This way when you have that ma duece rocking and rolling and your counter weight that is velcro'd to the back of your helmet falls of (which it inevitably will) you really arent going to be able to see a damn thing. Don't worry though, you can still count on scaring Haji's to death because you look like a rabbies infected teenage mutant ninja turtle.

 "I am sorry master splinter we had to put Leonardo down when he started scratching like a crack head and foaming at the mouth; you have the nations deepest condolences"

Nice double eye pro homo.

or you can look like an army of one because your the only "badass" who is going to be wearing a hokey mask in a firefight. These actually do work and if it hadnt been for Airsoft jackoffs painting these like the ones you see in the Army of Two video games they might of actually sold a few, check out the video of one being shot with everything from a 9mm to a 1 oz shotgun slug.

Wont ever be way is this Special Forces sunglasses compatible.


 I guess broken facial bones, jaws, dentures, possible broken neck and reconstructive surgery is much better then dying but holy hell that has to be like getting hit in the face by a car going 60. It seems that the best so far in balancing price, weight, and protection seems to be the MTEK weapons System predator ballistic face mask.

Vented, light weight, low profile, works with sun glasses and of course it looks Tactical...and we all know half of being tactical is looking tactical.

Shot Over

BTW: Happy Birthday Big Head; enjoy the 'Stan.

More Lovin' From the Dutch Oven: When asked yesterday what he intended to do once he returned stateside from deployment Dutch Rudder reported: "Get drunk, abuse some vagina, drive ridiculously fast everywhere i go, and talk complete and utter bullshit to strangers." Ladies and Gentleman I could not of put it better myself....Via Con Dios DR!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Way to much time on your hands...

I wish i could sit around all day and come up with truly odd ideas and make them a reality. Perfect example of a interesting (polite word for weird) idea brillantly executed. You have to give it to them at least its entertaining...CHALK WARFARE

By the way you know your a firearms enthusiast (gun nut) when you can tell what weapons they are using just from the crappy chalk outline. I would like to thank Barry for this one; if it wasnt for him giving away all of our tax dollars to slackers like these guys they couldnt sit around all day collecting unemployment and provide us with entertainment....and when i say all "our" tax dollars i mean the 47% of us who do pay. VOTE RED! (hey its a tight race i needed to get in a jab at barry somewhere)

Shot Over

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Great Men...Great Mustaches!

The 'Stache, Ball Tickler, Flavor savor, Molestache, whatever you want to call it we all know that its a universal representation of all that is man. Their is a long and illustrious history of deployed Men at Arms growing extreme Mustaches that would make even Tom and Burt shed a tear; why you ask? Because it helps you in combat dip shit! 

Its either an Italian General or Super Mario joined that Army...semantics because that is a sweet Lip guard.

Tiger Stripes and Mustaches...Only way to survive a firefight in Nam but you wouldn't know because you weren't there man!

Ronin Entertainment reporter Dutch Rudder sporting standard issue Navy STD protection.

Then there are the rest of us, the many who grow facial hair similar to that of a 13 year old Puerto Rican boy. I am ashamed to say it but i myself am a member of the "could not grow a decent 'stache no matter how long I tried" club. Do not for a second think that a lack of facial stubble stops me or my kind from growing a white trash stache while on deployment; when there is no one around to impress then why the hell not. I looked like a cross between a gay french painter and Hitler last deployment; who cares if I looked like an effeminate dictator the Iraqis still thought i was cute. Obviously i am not alone with my problem as this photo, regardless of the gayness, is full with men (maybe) who should never grow facial hair or stand that close to another man ever again.

Damn Chair Force and Navy....Combined the gayness is unstoppable.

You can appreciate the Mustache of One on our very own US Army Sgt.Farva....

Laugh it up Marines we all know that this is the closest your gunny will ever let you get to facial hair or any hair for that matter.

Shot Over

This blog is dedicated to the true mustache warriors out on the front lines fighting the good fight...
*Identities concealed for National Security.

Friday, September 21, 2012

A new kind of Terrorism

I would love to tell you this is a joke but alas mi amigos it is not. As if we didn't have enough to worry about with middle eastern Islamasist, Chechen separatists, Filipino extremists, and home grown terrorists now we have to worry about Gay terrorists...that's right GAY TERRORISM.

How would you like to be the security guard who got shot by the first gay terrorist? Even worse you lived through it and now get to hear about it from all your friends. "So John Q. Security guard when did it click in your head that he was a terrorist? Was it the rainbow color shemag he was wearing? the pink cerakoted AK? Suicide vest made of metal dildos and ball bearings? or was it when he ran in screaming "ALLAH ANAL" with arms flailing like a high school chearleader?". These are all relevant questions for the public to know so we can be on the lookout and spot this new breed of terrorist.

Do you think we will need a new color for the terrorism chart? Fuchsia? Lavender? Salmon? 
"Break out the belt feds boys the threats been lifted to magenta!"

Shot Over

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ghost Recon Movie

Warning: Its 24 minutes long but worth it.

This mini movie came out a few months ago to kick of the new Ghost recon video game. After watching it for the third time i decided to throw it up on Ronin for everyone's viewing pleasure. Tom Clancy needs to get of his ass and make a real movie just like this one; Bring Harrison Ford back as CIA director or President Jack Ryan and leave out the dueche bag Ben Affleck.

Clancy must be way to busy having other people write his novels for him that he couldn't possibly think about a new movie.As seen in this video a Ghost Recon movie would work but might be a little light in the plot department; they do have other book to film options; such as Without Remorse, his best book and the history of Clancy's bad ass character John Clark, or Rainbow Six which started as a kick ass book long before it became a video game. Now that i think about it though; neither one of those books have Jack Ryan in them.....damn you Affleck i am forever associating your crap acting with Jack Ryan, even the bleeding heart Alex Baldwin wasn't as bad as you.

A few random observations
-The robot reminds me of the one in Robocop, which means just like when i was a little kid i want one.

-I wasn't exactly surprised to see Token black guy not make it through, i mean really how well is he going to blend in while walking around a eastern european country?

-Invisibility camouflage (awesome) + the wells fargo by my house = who wants to be a millionaire?

Shot Over

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

In The Navy......

Attention all sailors who are stuck wearing blue rap video camouflage, you who live groundhog day every day underway, and those of you who will never get to drive fast boats, shoot cool guns, or blow shit up...This video is for you.

So Dad if you want your son to wade through more bush than a Vietnamese jungle and you wouldn't mind a Thia daughter in law whose handled more sausages then a vendor at Yankee stadium; Push for him to join the navy. He might contract a STD or three plus his wedding tackle might fall of but at least he wont get shot.

Words of warning to all you soon to be sailors out there dreaming of beaches, umbrella drinks, and beautiful women....your job will suck, you get no recognition for your service, and after 90 days underway even that fat ass Culinary Specialist is starting to look pleasantly plump to your sex starved mind. When these desperate time are upon you just keep your focus on the next port of call; where you will consume all the cheap booze your 18 year old body can temporarily keep down and have all the ladies of the evening, bar girls, by-me-drink girls, go go girls, street walkers and hookers you can handle....At least until that $630.00 E1 paycheck runs out; leaving you to run naked out of a Filipino whorehouse being chased by a He/She swinging a big dick and a bad experienced by Ronin's own entertainment reporter Dutch Rudder.

Shot Over

BTW: Big Head and Jonsie show this to all you soldier buddies who ask ya'll what you did in the Navy.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's Time....Pt. 2


-Anne Coulter, Sept. 12,2001

     It worked then and it still works now. Fast Companies have been deployed to Libya and Yemen, Israeli PM asks Americans to elect a stronger president to help combat Iran, Lybian president claims attacks were preplanned and sponsored by al queda, and new information about our fearless leader has come to light that since taking office he is present about twice a week for his own DAILY intel briefs. Makes you wonder how no one saw any of this oncoming violence in the middle east. Barry's Appointed UN security advisor was on four talk shows sunday claiming that it was all in response to the anti islamic movie "the innocence of Muhammed". Let me get this right; it was brillantly executed, occurred on the anniversary of 9/11, and even the god damn libyans are saying they have linked it to AQ...thats right muslims blaiming other muslims....but those idiots in the whitehouse still claim it was all over a crappy fourteen minute homemade video made in some jackasses basement in California.

     WTF? My head is spinning....First you apologize for the video to the same assholes who just killed four of your country men, then you leave the fate of the americans in the sudanese embassy to the Sudanese military because they dont want any US marines in their country. Wait a minute how much money do we give those idiots a year in aid? What are we getting from them in return? and you LET them say no to a US sponsored rescue attempt? Our state dept. employees have the confidence to go work in volatile locations because they KNOW Uncle Sam will come swinging his big bat and bail them out when they are in need. Heres a novel idea Barry; how about you keep fucking up and costing american lives becuase it is going to be for the greater good...maybe just maybe those people on the voting  fence will finally see what a moron you are and in eight years or so with a decent president we can come back from this hole. Its time to make a change people but for that to happen you have to VOTE! I admit Mitts not my first choice but i do like Ryan and i think we can all agree that any thing is better then a repeat of the last four years. Can you imagine where this country will be if we reelect these two morons? It makes me want to throw up. By the way Dougherty/Coulter Presidential running mates in 2024....America for Americans...Vote Jak because..


Shot Over

Friday, September 14, 2012

Uprisings all over Middle East/North Africa

Middle East Update:

Marines on the ground to protect american interests in Yemen after attack on our Embassy.

  • German Embassy  was also overran and lit afire in Saana,Yemen .

Additional attacks reported on American Embassies in Egypt and Tunisia.

Sustained protests outside embassies in Egypt, Oman, Jordan, and other middle eastern/north African countries.

Pope to in Lebanon for a three day visit refuses to cancel trip even with violence spreading daily.

IT'S TIME....Pt.1

Down and Dirty on the Libyan attack....

  On Tuesday a multi pronged attack by heavily armed gunmen against American soil occurred in Benghazi, Libya. This tactically successful operation was enacted in three phases. First around 1400 a small group of lightly armed gunmen arrived in front of the embassy and began milling around the exterior walls of the compound, as if they were waiting on something or someone. These men were shortly joined by a large group of "unarmed" men angry over "The innocence of Muslims"; anti islamic video  published by an American Jew in California. The muslim men began shooting into the air, throwing rocks, and chanting in a show of force directed towards the embassy. At this point the libyan security force reportedly advised the ambassador that a evacuation of the embassy was a necessity but their advice supposedly fell upon deaf ears. At roughly 2130 a large group of heavily armed men with belt fed weapons and RPG's arrived on the scene in armored vehicles increasing the crown number to over two hundred (not the thousands reported in the media). At seeing the crowd size  "The Libyan security guards were forced to pull out of the site due to their small numbers" Quote from Libyan interior minister; leaving the defense of the compound in the hands of a small number of state department security team members.

     At seeing the Libyan guards retreating phase two began because shortly thereafter a barrage of automatic weapons fire and grenades assaulted the compound; with no one to defend it the crowd stormed in. During this time Ambassador Chris Stevens and State dept analyst Sean Smith became separated from their evacuation group due to a storm of grenades raining down inside the compound. The ensuing search for them by Libyan security had to be called of due to smoke and fire inside the buildings thus leaving them to likely die by asphyxiation.


     By 2215 the remaining thirty American and Libyan staffers were successfully evac'd to the "secret" safe house located in the city's equestrian park while a joint US/Libyan quick reaction force was sent from Tripoli to provide additional support. The QRF's arrival at the safe house coincided with the third phase of the assault kicking off when a gun battle erupted as the additional forces were pulling up to the safe house to evac the staffers to the airport. The ensuing gun battle was hard fought with the heavily armed and prepared QRF taking the fight but at the cost of two more american lives. Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods, both prior Seals who came in with the QRF, lost their lives providing cover for the retreating civilians. Thus bringing the total of American casualties to four dead, and fourteen wounded.

I waited to write about this incident until my overwhelming anger had rescinded and i could extract enough intel to get a firm grasp on the situation. Now you know exactly what happened.....the big question is WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

Cont. Monday w/ Pt. 2

Shot (not) over

Gracias: Secret Squirrel

Thursday, September 13, 2012

How to Look Like You’re in the Special Forces

Written by: Anonymous 

1. First, go to Exchange and buy the biggest watch you can find. A foreign special services officer asked me once whether we recruited guys based on the size of their watches or whether we bought everyone a big watch as a reward after training.

2. Cut the sleeves off your shirt. It’s hot in the Middle East, and guys would cut the sleeves off their operational uniforms. It makes sense in certain situations, but I had to tell my team, “Look, I know it’s hot, but I need you to meet safety parameters. You’re gonna get scratched.”

3. Make it your boss’s job to tell you to get a haircut and a shave.

4. Wear sunglasses. Everywhere. I’ll tell my team, “Hey, we’re inside. We can take off our sunglasses.” But they don’t.

5. Keep quiet. The baddest guys I know are also the quietest. The guy who’s talking about doing badass stuff? He’s probably not the biggest badass in the room. It’s a little like that guy on the football team who wears his letterman jacket all the time.

6. Never say “no.” Your first reaction has to be, “Yes, I can do that,” and then you figure out how. If the president asked me to go to the moon tomorrow, I’d say yes. Then I’d say, “I’ll need some training. And someone who can fly a rocket.”

Anonymous (Chuck Norris) led teams in the Middle East and South Asia as a special forces officer.

Pretty funny and true but you can also add...

7. Make sure you carry a huge knife, tomahawk or shovel on your belt but make fun of everyone else who does.

8. Refuse to awnser anyones questions at any time, even when in line at the DFAC, because they have not been "Read In" or have "the need to know."

9. Never ever wear anything around the FOB except PT gear....Period.

10. When dealing with lesser military members make up a name for yourself; anything will work including womens names, tv stars, porn stars, cars, colors, animals, etc and continually change it to confuse said military members..... proceed to yell violently at them when they get it wrong.

11. Throw hissy fit when you have to work with "The Regs".

12. Regardless if you dont know where you are or what you are doing remember you still better look cool while NOT doing it correctly. 

Shot over

gracias: Recoil mag

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jason Falla
Director of Training at Redback One

Jason is a veteran of the Australian Army Special Forces community with 6 years experience in the Commando Regiment and a further 6 years in the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR). During his service at SASR Jason was an SME of roping, climbing, mountain warfare, vehicle mounted mobility and water operations. Jason has extensive experience in counter terrorist operations, combat medicine, heavy weapons, counter terrorist driving, special reconnaissance and surveillance, CQB and hostage rescue. Jason deployed to the Middle East as part of GWOT and was actively engaged in offensive operations during OEF and OIF as well as many other thearters around the world. He was the team 2IC during his final year with the counter terrorist team.

Jason relocated to the United States in 2005 where he worked as a lead firearms and tactics instructor at Blackwater USA for 5 years. He quickly became highly regarded and well respected in the firearms industry and was known as one of the company’s top instructors. Jason left Blackwater in January 2010 to become the senior instructor and training advisor for Redback One. Jason's expertise and proficiency in CQB, urban warfare, military small arms, Land-Warfare and combat medicine makes him a highly sought-after instructor within the firearms industry and the U.S military. Jason holds instructor certifications outside the military with the NRA and the H&K Training Division as a Pistol Instructor and Sub-Machine Gun Instructor, Safariland Less Lethal Impact Munitions Instructor. Jason is qualified in Advanced Explosive Entry and is a Basic Explosive Handler. Jason is a master class IDPA pistol shooter and master of the carbine.

Now that I got all the bio work done I know you are all thinking the same thing...Its actually Eric Bana from Blackhawk down.You would be wrong though my friend because Jason is the real deal  down under Texas transplant; He tactical shooting schools is tops in the United States and he's the best gun fighter i have ever seen. My unit was lucky enough to spend over 8 weeks with him as our lead instructor out at Blackwater USA (Then Xee, then USA training center, then Academi, then Clown College, N.C. Mime school,etc). As he lead us through every tactical shooting and moving scenario he could think of, Jason kept his hands and head in the operator mind set even back here in the states. If we were wearing body armor in 100 degree N.C. swampland so was he and  If we were about to go live he always went first to show everyone what he expected from us. Its something about seeing a IDPA master run a pistol that makes you want to kick your skill level up a notch and show him your not such a Pogue, REMF'er, and/or supply bitch. 

During the course we were averaging over a thousand rounds a day down range which really made me appreciate the US government for not only paying me to go to class, but paying for the class itself and providing all the ammo....muchas gracias tax payers. Now the round count for his private courses are (only!) 600 per day but hell the man can make you a better shooter with just his dry run techniques. I would HIGHLY recommend taking any course he is running no matter how new you are to shooting or how much of a operator you think you are; learning will be occurring that i guarantee. I will definitely be taking more of his courses in the future.... when i get a bit more money because bullets are way more expensive when you actually have to pay for them.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


"The Ultimate Firearms Magazine for Gun Lifestyle"-RECOIL is a firearms lifestyle magazine covering not only guns but the lifestyle gun enthusiasts enjoy. Our magazine is gear heavy featuring guns, trucks, atv's, knives, watches, and more. Articles include gun evaluations, interviews with industry personalities, shooting tips from the pros, shooting sports, defense, do it yourself articles, and much more. We aim to appeal to the casual shooter as well as the core enthusiast.

Well OBVIOUSLY I didn't make that up myself but RECOIL is the best magazine on tactics, EDC (every day carry), and black guns on the market; and since the internet has just about put playboy out of business RECOIL is now the only magazine i look forward to reading. Its gun porn in the truest since of the word, its so good i want to read it straight through but won't because it only comes out every other month. The articles range from ideas on bug out vehicles to homemade kydex holsters (those who know Ronin know about us and kydex) to budget combat knives. In every issue you will find equipment reviews, new weapon breakdowns, and even fullsize targets in the same place playboy puts their centerfolds.

Every magazine will have a interview with a well known gun fighter/tactical instructor/operator/shooting guru, such as Travis Haley, Chris Costa, and JJ Racaza. It will delve into their EDC gear, go-to three guns (rifle, pistol, shotgun), must have bug out bag items, how they broke into the industry, etc. For those of you who don't know Travis was the CEO of Magpul industries,Chris was the CEO of Magpul Dynamics, and JJ is a IPSC and USPSA champion who made it to the last four competitors on the first Top Shot season.

I want this magazine to do well and i gaurantee if you pick it up you wont regret it...Your in luck because the new issue come out today.

Shot over

BTW: On this anniversary of 9/11 my heart goes out to that big headed old roomate of mine who is now a SSG with the 101st Airborne over in the 'Stan. How gay do i feel your over there and I am studying for a anthropology test. Keep your head down brother and you dick down even lower. I will see you when you get back.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Combat Flip Flops?

No its not the Navys newest way of arming the feet of sailors nor is it a way to combat the dreaded shower foot; instead Combat Flip Flops are just some kick ass good looking knock around sandals made in the 'Stan. Needless to say Afghanistan is not exactly a Mecca (haha) for the shoe fashion world but a few rangers out of the 75th are looking to change that. While training the ANA (afghan national army) they came across a boot manufacturing plant in Kabul. Here they observed a worker punching a thong through the sole of a combat boot and the idea for Combat flip flops were born!

Now i wouldn't want some updated version of a Viet Cong tire tread flip flop myself and don't worry that's not at all what these are and to prove it I have ordered a Pair AK47's. These yellow and dark brown sandal is aptly named because the color of the leather thong matches that of the AK furniture and the 7.62x39 cartridge rims stitched into the thong are just plain Badass.

If the AK's aren't for you don't worry you have two other men's styles to choose from. If you happen to be one of the Navy's aquatic mammals you can get a pair of Poseidon sandals with your trident logo heat stamped onto the blue sole. Those would make a great pair of beach flip flops but their is NO POSING allowed on Ronin! So even though i live on the beach i had to pass. If you want to see and be seen then go for a pair of bright red Tuck Tucks with a chrome poppy flower hood ornament; they are just as loud as they sound.

Ladies don't fret because Rangers + Marriage = women's flip flops. They have two style for you to choose from both with little accents like a small chrome grenade and intricate afghan stitching.
Hell i think i just did all my Christmas's shopping, luckily that expensive holdiay is still a couple months away because all the retailers are sold out of every style.

This is what i like to see, a couple of vets using ingenuity and a little outside the box thinking to come up with a good, marketable product. Hopefully this kind of thinking is contagious because the last thing this country needs is to start seeing GWOT vet's with signs on the corner of busy intersection begging for change.

You can pre order a pair on their website or through the two dealers below:

Combat flip flops:
Mission Ready Equipment:
US Elite:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Texas Riverines

You heard it right my friend! Even though the US military already has three riverine squadrons with little to do and itchy trigger fingers the state of Texas has manned its own riverine flotilla. After being denied additional maritime support by Homeland Security Texas just said "fuck it we will buy our own toys". So they did....

The 34 ft V-shaped hull design and outboards makes this boat more of a "shallow water interceptor" then a true riverine boat; but with trip merc 300's, three crew served weapons mounts, and also packing a couple of .50 cal barretts these boats are a force to be reckoned with.

I appreciate the way my state is taking the bull by the horns and getting the job done but when you already have a professional force, with the necessary training and no war to fight, why the hell wouldn't you use them? Jesus christ those riverines are getting payed regardless wether they are sitting in virginia on their asses or overseas working. Now I am sure the Highway patrolmen are good at their jobs but patrolling rivers is not what they were trained to do. Lets have the professionals come down here and take care of our little problem with the smugglers and the drug cartels....Mark my words H.P. your six new boats are nice  but you are still outgunned. Bring in the Pro's with their mini guns, mk 19's, and all the three kinds of riverine specific jet boats; then we will really be taking the fight to the enemy. I can see it now; the tracer fire over the water,  hundreds of round pummeling the enemy, the cartel boats on fire and slowly sinking into the waters of the Rio.....It would be glorious.

Shot Over

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Glocks for Days!

      Mr. Colion Noir; gun blogger, concealed carry blogger, video producer, and above all else Glock Fan Boy! His rants are pretty good and in my opinion this is one of his best because I myself am a Glock fan boy. If you listen to this rant and find that you cant understand much of what he is referring to well then my friend you are not a Glock Fan. Nothing wrong with that; its ugly, has a horrible trigger, and a bad grip profile. You 1911 looks cooler, is full steel, and has been around for over a hundred years but if i am going to be running and gunning through some serious adverse environments such as swamp, desert, etc then I want a gun that regardless what shithole I am sitting in no  skinny, haji, or tango is safe from me and Mr. Glock.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 swimming required...yet!


      This is the MGM Ironman. A three day, three gun ass kicking competition located in Indiana. To put it bluntly...This is where the show Top Shot goes to get ideas. You will get to shoot from a zip line, shoot while driving, shoot while running, shoot while falling....are you getting the picture you are going to be shooting ALOT.

     You will get to do all of this for the low, low introductory price of $250.00; oh yeah plus airfare, plus hotel, ammo (and your going to need over a thousand rounds of long gun ammo alone), Guns....and i mean good guns, Tactical vest, eyes, ears, tommy tactical multi digi cam awesomeness (the camo so good it even works on the moon), gloves, gore-tex sweat wiking thermorest boots handmade by the nubile fingers of a 6 year old Thia child, and the most important part....the super soldier herpes resistant kevlar under armor underwear in matching moon camo.

............Who fucking care how much it costs....Indiana I am going to make you bite the pillow this June. Stay posted for tryout times with the GWOT Ronin team.

Shot over

Monday, September 3, 2012

R.I.W Patrick Feeks

     On August 16th of this year I turned 30 years old and while i was partying with my friends and family in Texas Patrick Feeks boarded a Blackhawk Helicopter in Afghanistan to take the fight to the enemy. I never had the honor of meeting Mr. Feeks and as much as it pains me to say this; I never will. Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Patrick D. Feeks  perished on August 16th when his helo was brought down by enemy fire northeast of Kandahar.

      I was fortunate enough to share a mutual friend with Patrick and I feel for him because there is no more helpless feeling for a military man then to be stateside enjoying the good life when a fellow brother in arms is struck down. Every ounce of your being is telling you to grab your go bag, hop a flight to the war zone and get your self some retaliation. In reality that would be the easy compared to what you are about to go through. The true fight has just begun, you need to be there comforting the family as well as the all around go to guy whether its just getting take out or helping with the funeral arrangements. This could take days or it could take weeks situation dependent but you need to be there as much as you can in this trying time.

     I was fortunate enough one night to hear my friend speak of Pat. Now this was a late night weekend conversation but the pride with which he spoke of Pat was electric; it made everyone listening want to meet this crazy, brave man. A man who gave up his chance to attend the Naval Academy to enlist in the navy. The same man who then chooses to go out for BUDS, the most punishing special warfare training in the US military. After BUDS he deployed twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan, garnering a slew of medals.  This man is the definition of a warrior and as much as I wanted to say say rest in peace i just couldn't bring myself to write that. True warriors yearn for the fight and any man who gives up the prestige, lifestyle, and money of a U.S. Naval officer only does so because it was his calling. Therefore SO1 Rest In War (R.I.W) my friend; your spirit lives on in every other sailor who has had GWOT sand under their feet.

     On a personal note I will never again look upon August 16th as a day dread; a day that i turn a little older, a day that i grow just a little bit fatter. I will look at it as a day of privilege; a privilege that was granted to me by Patrick Feeks. Each year as my friends raise a toast to me I will be raising a toast to Pat, a man that i have never met, but a man who gave his all so that myself and people like me are free. Thank you Pat, Thank you.....

Shot over

Heart out- Miguel and Steph