Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It's Time....Pt. 2


-Anne Coulter, Sept. 12,2001

     It worked then and it still works now. Fast Companies have been deployed to Libya and Yemen, Israeli PM asks Americans to elect a stronger president to help combat Iran, Lybian president claims attacks were preplanned and sponsored by al queda, and new information about our fearless leader has come to light that since taking office he is present about twice a week for his own DAILY intel briefs. Makes you wonder how no one saw any of this oncoming violence in the middle east. Barry's Appointed UN security advisor was on four talk shows sunday claiming that it was all in response to the anti islamic movie "the innocence of Muhammed". Let me get this right; it was brillantly executed, occurred on the anniversary of 9/11, and even the god damn libyans are saying they have linked it to AQ...thats right muslims blaiming other muslims....but those idiots in the whitehouse still claim it was all over a crappy fourteen minute homemade video made in some jackasses basement in California.

     WTF? My head is spinning....First you apologize for the video to the same assholes who just killed four of your country men, then you leave the fate of the americans in the sudanese embassy to the Sudanese military because they dont want any US marines in their country. Wait a minute how much money do we give those idiots a year in aid? What are we getting from them in return? and you LET them say no to a US sponsored rescue attempt? Our state dept. employees have the confidence to go work in volatile locations because they KNOW Uncle Sam will come swinging his big bat and bail them out when they are in need. Heres a novel idea Barry; how about you keep fucking up and costing american lives becuase it is going to be for the greater good...maybe just maybe those people on the voting  fence will finally see what a moron you are and in eight years or so with a decent president we can come back from this hole. Its time to make a change people but for that to happen you have to VOTE! I admit Mitts not my first choice but i do like Ryan and i think we can all agree that any thing is better then a repeat of the last four years. Can you imagine where this country will be if we reelect these two morons? It makes me want to throw up. By the way Dougherty/Coulter Presidential running mates in 2024....America for Americans...Vote Jak because..


Shot Over

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