Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Way to much time on your hands...

I wish i could sit around all day and come up with truly odd ideas and make them a reality. Perfect example of a interesting (polite word for weird) idea brillantly executed. You have to give it to them at least its entertaining...CHALK WARFARE

By the way you know your a firearms enthusiast (gun nut) when you can tell what weapons they are using just from the crappy chalk outline. I would like to thank Barry for this one; if it wasnt for him giving away all of our tax dollars to slackers like these guys they couldnt sit around all day collecting unemployment and provide us with entertainment....and when i say all "our" tax dollars i mean the 47% of us who do pay. VOTE RED! (hey its a tight race i needed to get in a jab at barry somewhere)

Shot Over

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