Thursday, September 27, 2012

Who wants to look like Master Chief?

I mean Halo Master Chief not USN....Check out the newish Head Gear from Revision, The original has been out on the market for a while but after testing it was considered to heavy and way to hot for everyday use. The newest version dropped a few ounces and has been streamlined to work better with existing NOD's.

Dont care; good theory for turret Gunners still not a great design. No ventilation, its still huge, and as if having a 5 inch phallic device hanging from the front of your helmet wasnt enough weight lets just add a little more. This way when you have that ma duece rocking and rolling and your counter weight that is velcro'd to the back of your helmet falls of (which it inevitably will) you really arent going to be able to see a damn thing. Don't worry though, you can still count on scaring Haji's to death because you look like a rabbies infected teenage mutant ninja turtle.

 "I am sorry master splinter we had to put Leonardo down when he started scratching like a crack head and foaming at the mouth; you have the nations deepest condolences"

Nice double eye pro homo.

or you can look like an army of one because your the only "badass" who is going to be wearing a hokey mask in a firefight. These actually do work and if it hadnt been for Airsoft jackoffs painting these like the ones you see in the Army of Two video games they might of actually sold a few, check out the video of one being shot with everything from a 9mm to a 1 oz shotgun slug.

Wont ever be way is this Special Forces sunglasses compatible.


 I guess broken facial bones, jaws, dentures, possible broken neck and reconstructive surgery is much better then dying but holy hell that has to be like getting hit in the face by a car going 60. It seems that the best so far in balancing price, weight, and protection seems to be the MTEK weapons System predator ballistic face mask.

Vented, light weight, low profile, works with sun glasses and of course it looks Tactical...and we all know half of being tactical is looking tactical.

Shot Over

BTW: Happy Birthday Big Head; enjoy the 'Stan.

More Lovin' From the Dutch Oven: When asked yesterday what he intended to do once he returned stateside from deployment Dutch Rudder reported: "Get drunk, abuse some vagina, drive ridiculously fast everywhere i go, and talk complete and utter bullshit to strangers." Ladies and Gentleman I could not of put it better myself....Via Con Dios DR!

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