Friday, September 7, 2012

Combat Flip Flops?

No its not the Navys newest way of arming the feet of sailors nor is it a way to combat the dreaded shower foot; instead Combat Flip Flops are just some kick ass good looking knock around sandals made in the 'Stan. Needless to say Afghanistan is not exactly a Mecca (haha) for the shoe fashion world but a few rangers out of the 75th are looking to change that. While training the ANA (afghan national army) they came across a boot manufacturing plant in Kabul. Here they observed a worker punching a thong through the sole of a combat boot and the idea for Combat flip flops were born!

Now i wouldn't want some updated version of a Viet Cong tire tread flip flop myself and don't worry that's not at all what these are and to prove it I have ordered a Pair AK47's. These yellow and dark brown sandal is aptly named because the color of the leather thong matches that of the AK furniture and the 7.62x39 cartridge rims stitched into the thong are just plain Badass.

If the AK's aren't for you don't worry you have two other men's styles to choose from. If you happen to be one of the Navy's aquatic mammals you can get a pair of Poseidon sandals with your trident logo heat stamped onto the blue sole. Those would make a great pair of beach flip flops but their is NO POSING allowed on Ronin! So even though i live on the beach i had to pass. If you want to see and be seen then go for a pair of bright red Tuck Tucks with a chrome poppy flower hood ornament; they are just as loud as they sound.

Ladies don't fret because Rangers + Marriage = women's flip flops. They have two style for you to choose from both with little accents like a small chrome grenade and intricate afghan stitching.
Hell i think i just did all my Christmas's shopping, luckily that expensive holdiay is still a couple months away because all the retailers are sold out of every style.

This is what i like to see, a couple of vets using ingenuity and a little outside the box thinking to come up with a good, marketable product. Hopefully this kind of thinking is contagious because the last thing this country needs is to start seeing GWOT vet's with signs on the corner of busy intersection begging for change.

You can pre order a pair on their website or through the two dealers below:

Combat flip flops:
Mission Ready Equipment:
US Elite:

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